Bases de Données / Databases

Site Web de l'équipe BD du LIP6 / LIP6 DB Web Site

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Consortium description

The project consortium is composed of four research groups (Wisdom-LIP6, Wisdom-CNAM, LSIS, PRISM) and one industrial partner (2or3things). All participants have a long complementary experience in distributed data management focused on XML data and peer-to-peer architectures:

Wisdom BD LIP6 Vertigo-CEDRIC PriSM LSIS 2or3things

XQuery implementation xx
XML data warehousing xx x
P2P query mediation and view-based data integration x x
semantic web and RDF/XML metadata management x x
data replication and distributed transaction management x
P2P query routing and load balancing x
data and service ranking algorithms x
data stream query processing x

Existing collaborations

LSIS, PRISM, LIP6 and CNAM particpate in the ACI MD SemWeb project (2004-2007, ROSES can be considered as a follow-up project of SemWeb, concentrating on a particular kind of “semantic web” data (RSS feeds).

LIP6 and CNAM are also involved in the Plan Pluri-Formation (PPF) Wisdom (started in 2006) which brings together the research activities of three database research groups (LIP6, CNAM, Univ. Dauphine). The ROSES project consolidates the collaboration between CNAM and LIP6 about web information publishing and dissemination.

LIP6 and PRISM participate in the RNTL Webcontent project (2006-2008, defining and implementing an open platform for building industrial semantic web applications. The ROSES project might offer an additional testbed for validating the WebContent platform in the future.

Participant list


Web site :

Description : Wisdom is a “Programme Pluri-Formation” (PPF) between the database research groups of the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CEDRIC Laboratory), the University Paris 9 Dauphine (LAMSADE Laboratory) and the Université Paris 6 Pierre et Marie Curie (LIP6 Laboratory). It officializes the long standing collaboration on the topics of web information publishing and content-based image retrieval. Two Wisdom members participate in the project :

  1. The LIP6 Database Research Group ( has a long research experience in distributed data management. Its current activities concern issues related to distributed data management in large-scale distributed environments such as the web and P2P networks. The main research domains concern distributed ranking algorithms for data and services, freshness-aware data replication and transaction routing strategies and dynamic load balancing.
  2. The Vertigo/CNAM research group ( is actively involved in research on data and service management on the Web. Its current activity on this topic concerns XML data integration in large-scale repositories (e.g. Xyleme) and P2P architectures, views for easy access to heterogeneous XML data and P2P content management.

Research experience related to the proposal (systems, prototypes, publications, contracts) : Wisdom (LIP6 DB group and Vertigo) has a long research experience in XML query mediation, declarative XML views, P2P query routing, freshness-aware query processing, distributed query optimization and link-based ranking algorithms. Also, Cédric du Mouza, associated researcher in Wisdom, comes with his experience in modeling and querying time sequences. These research activities are currently supported by several national research grants (RNTL WebContent, ACI Respire, ACI Semweb) and have been validated by several prototypes and publications in national and international conferences and journals.

[GNP+07] Stéphane Gançarski, Hubert Naacke, Esther Pacitti, Patrick Valduriez: The leganet system: Freshness-aware transaction routing in a database cluster. Inf. Syst. 32(2): 320-343 (2007)

[LGV05] Cécile Le Pape, Stéphane Gançarski, Patrick Valduriez: Replica Refresh Strategies in a Database Cluster. BDA 2005

[CAG06] C. Constantin, B. Amann, D. Gross-Amblard, A Link-based Ranking Model for Services, CoopIS 2006, Montpellier, France.

[MAA+05] T. Milo, S. Abiteboul, B. Amann, O. Benjelloun, and F. Dang Ngoc. Exchanging intensional xml data. In SIGMOD, 2003. an extended version of this article has been published in ACM Transactions on Database Systels 30(1).

[LDG+05] N. Lumineau, A. Doucet,S. Gançarski. Thematic Schemas Building for Mediation-based P2P Architecture, International Workshop On Database Interoperability (InterDB 2005), Namur, Belgium, April 2005.

[BSS06] F. Boisson, M. Scholl, I. Sebei et D. Vodislav. Scalability of source identification in data integration systems . In ACM/IEEE SITIS Conference, 2006. (ref. CEDRIC 1125)

[BSS06b] F. Boisson, M. Scholl, I. Sebei et D. Vodislav. Query rewriting for open XML data integration systems . In IADIS WWW/Internet, 2006. (ref. CEDRIC 1067)

[VCC06] D. Vodislav, S. Cluet, G. Corona et I. Sebei. Views for simplifying access to heterogeneous XML data . In CoopIS, pp. 72-90, Springer, 2006. (ref. CEDRIC 1066)

[MRS05] C. Du Mouza, P. Rigaux et M. Scholl. Efficient Evaluation of Parameterized Pattern Queries. In ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2005

Projet participation : Wisdom is the project coordinator and the coordinator of workpackages “WP0: Project Management”, “WP1. System achitecture”, “WP2. RSS Model and Algebra” and “WP5. Feed generation and composition”.


Web site :

Description : LSIS (Information and System Sciences Laboratory) is a research laboratory in Automatics and Computer Science, with about 180 members (among which 80 Ph.D. students). Its research focuses on Sciences and Technologies for Information and Communication (STIC) and control theory centered on the design and the analysis of artificial systems. Research topics are distributed information and knowledge; Computer-aided modeling, design and reconstruction; Inference, constraints and application; control and simulation and engineering, mechanics, systems;

Research experience related to the proposal (systems, prototypes, publications, contracts) : The research topics of the members of LSIS (J. Le Maitre, Elisabeth Murisasco and Emmanuel Bruno) are XML data models and query languages since SGML in the 90's. In this context they developed two functional languages dedicated to the manipulation of electronic documents(SgmlQL dedicated to SGML documents and DQL for XML well formed XML Data). We also worked on the the conception of an XML based application to index and query images described as MPEG-7 documents (project RNTL MUSE 2000-2002), and on the modelisation and manipulation of time in XML data (French “Action spécifique « Les temps dans le document numérique» - RTP 33”, Documents et Contenu: création, indexation, navigation). More recently, they proposed an extension of the XML data model and of XQuery dedicated to multistructed XML documents (several structures on the same text (ACI Semweb 2004-2007). In the last project, they developed an XQuery prototype. This prototype will be used in the current project.

[BCM07] E. Bruno, S. Calabretto, E. Murisasco « Documents textuels multistructurés : un état de l’art », Revue I3 (Information - Interaction - Intelligence), mars 2007. à paraître.

[BM06] E. Bruno, E. Murisasco « Describing and Querying hierarchical structures defined over the same textual data », in Proceedings of the 2006 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng 2006), pp. 147-154, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2006.

[LeM06] J. Le Maitre, “Representing multistructured XML documents by means of delay nodes”, Proceedings of the 2006 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng 2006), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2006, pp. 155-164.

[BM06] E. Bruno, E. Murisasco « MSXD : a model and a schema for concurrent structures defined over the same textual data », in Proceedings of the DEXA Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 4080, pp. 172-181, Krakow, Poland, September 2006.

[LeM05] J. Le Maitre, “Indexing and Querying Content and Structure of XML Documents According to the Vector Space Model”, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2005, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2005, vol. II, pp. 353-358.

[BML04] E. Bruno, E. Murisasco, J. Le Maitre, « Temporalisation d’un document multimédia », dans Document Numérique, vol. 8, n° 4, pp. 125-141, décembre 2004.

[LMB04] J. Le Maitre, E. Murisasco et E. Bruno, « Recherche d’informations dans les documents XML », dans Méthodes avancées pour les systèmes de recherche d’informations, Traité STI, M. Ihadjadene (Ed.), Hermès, pp. 35-54, mars 2004

[BLM03] E. Bruno, J. Le Maitre and E. Murisasco, « Extending XQuery with Transformation Operators », Proceedings of the 2003 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng 2003), ACM Press, Grenoble, France, November 20-22 2003, pp. 1-8.

[BLM02] E. Bruno, J. Le Maitre, E. Murisasco, Indexation et interrogation de photos de presse décrites en MPEG-7 et stockées dans une base de données XML, Ingénierie des systèmes d’information, vol. 7, n° 5-6, 2002, pp. 169-186.

Project participation: In this project we will be involved in the definition of a formal model for RSS feeds and a dedicated algebra (WP2),the definition of an extension of XQuery for RSS feeds (WP3) and the automatic definition of new RSS feeds as XQuery view by composition of legacy data and existing RSS feeds (WP5). We will also be concerned by the optimization of such queries in a P2P environment (WP4).

Participation in other projects: E. Murisasco and E. Bruno participate to two other proposals under submissions (ANR MCDO, ANR SHS). One project under submission (AMETIS) use the same prototype to study the query of distributed satellite images extended with metadata described in XML (MPEG7, RDF, OWL).

J. Le Maitre participate to the the AVEIR Project (MDCA 2006-2009) where he works more specifically on Information Retrieval in XML documents.

J. Le Maitre, E. Murisasco and E. Bruno also participate to a second project under submission (ACoMod), they will work on an extention of XQuery dedicated to the manipulation of multimodal linguistic data (combined XML modelisation of audio, video, speech and gesture).


Web site :

Description :

The PRiSM research laboratory (UMR 8144) is a component of the University of Versailles St-Quentin. The laboratory is specialized in Parallelism, Networking, DBMS, cryptography, and Performance Modelling. The laboratory is composed of eight themes and has more than 50 permanent researchers. The part of the laboratory involved in the current project is the team SBD (Système de Bases de Données) which has a long research experiences in relational database systems, and in XML query mediation.

Research experience related to the proposal (systems, prototypes, publications, contracts) :

The PRISM Database Mediation team has been working since 1997 on mediation with XML as global model for integration. A research prototype of an XQuery mediator has been developed and marketed under the name XLive. Several companies have industrialized this prototype, among them Odonata ( and Datadirect ( The Odonata industrial open source version is available on the site The research activity has produced several publications, describing the mediation architecture, the query optimization algorithms, or the data model. The XLive research prototype is also available in open source and has evolved towards P2P mediation of Web sources. The research team has experimented several indexing techniques for XML and complex data in a P2P network. An internal representation model (called TGV) for XQuery plan optimization in centralized architecture has been recently concretized by a thesis. These research activities have been developed in several national research grants (RNTL Muse, ACI SemWeb) and currently in the national research project WebContent (RNTL WebContent,). These research have been also developed in Europeen project (Satine). These works constitute solid bases for the future development of a mediation architecture based on RSS feeds.

  • Florin Dragan, Georges Gardarin, Benjamin Nguyen, Laurent Yeh: On Indexing Multidimensional Values In A P2P Architecture. BDA 2006
  • Clément Jamard, Georges Gardarin: Indexation de vues virtuelles dans un médiateur XML pour le traitement de XQuery Text. EGC 2006: 65-76
  • Georges Gardarin, Florin Dragan, Laurent Yeh: P2P Semantic Mediation of Web Sources. ICEIS (1) 2006: 7-15
  • Clément Jamard, Georges Gardarin: Extending an XML Mediator with Text Query. WEBIST (1) 2006: 38-45
  • Georges Gardarin, Laurent Yeh: SIOUX: An Efficient Index for Processing Structural XQueries. DEXA 2005: 564-575
  • Florin Dragan, Georges Gardarin, Laurent Yeh: MediaPeer: A Safe, Scalable P2P Architecture for XML Query Processing. DEXA Workshops 2005: 368-373
  • Florin Dragan, Georges Gardarin: Benchmarking an XML Mediator. ICEIS (1) 2005: 191-196
  • Laurent Yeh, Georges Gardarin: Indexing XML Objects with Ordered Schema Trees. BDA 2004: 21-45
  • Tuyet-Tram Dang-Ngoc, Georges Gardarin, Nicolas Travers: Tree Graph Views: On Efficient Evaluation of XQuery in an XML Mediator. BDA 2004: 429-44
  • Tuyet-Tram Dang-Ngoc, Huaizhong Kou, Georges Gardarin: Integrating Web Information with XML Concrete Views. Databases and Applications 2004: 268-273
  • Georges Gardarin, Tuyet-Tram Dang-Ngoc: Mediating the semantic web. EGC 2004: 1-14

Projet participation : According to our previous experiences, we are deeply involved in the WP4 for studying various strategies of XQuery plan execution in a P2P/RSS infrastructure. We are also concerned by the WP3 for the API requirements, and for the design of a basic XQuery adapter for the RSS feeds. In this work package, we should contribute by our experiences on heterogeneous sources integration. We are also involved in the WP1 and WP2 for the definition of a RSS feed integration framework which should be deployed on the infrastructure defined in the WP1.


Web site : 2or3things

Description :

Blastfeed is an initiative launched by 2or3things, a French start-up founded in June 2006 and based in Paris.

Blastfeed lets users select the sources of information they are interested in ( i.e. RSS feeds), define what they want to look for in them (i.e sift information) and get results in an amalgamated format whether it is delivered by email, by RSS or IM, or web services or HTTP Post or any other output mechanisms. Delivery can be scheduled real-time or deferred. Once set everything runs on a continuous basis. Blastfeed can be seen as a feed aggregator, a feed filtering tool and a delivery service (PUSH or notification).

As providers of RSS-based services, we have of course a thorough knowledge of RSS in all its format. Our technical expertise ranges from Java, LAMP, Ruby on Rails, RSS, XML database (all of these being the backbone of Blastfeed by the way), blog platforms to Linux admin, web services (SOAP / REST). From a business standpoint, our goal is to develop further services for the enterprise around the Blastfeed platform.

Projet participation :

We mainly participate in WP3, with the development of a full API exposing the current services of Blastfeed, and in WP6, where we'll help build the validation and test application. This application will take some features from another application we have released recently about the French presidential campaign. The test application will be enhanced with the various developments subject of this project. We'll also follow and help the project management and coordination.

This said 2or3things are actively working on other services based on the Blastfeed platform. At this stage we are not involved in any other project. One of our goals with this project is to benefit of the R&D as to be in a position to better manage, exploit and use RSS going forward.

roses/partenaires.txt · Dernière modification: 30/03/2015 15:31 (modification externe)