Associate professor, Sorbonne Université, Paris 6, France.
Member of the database team of the LIP6 laboratory.
tel: +33 (0)1 44 27 87 61
Part of my research interests are:
I co-organize the SenAgro workshop on data science applied to agriculture which takes place in Dakar on 30/04/2024 workshop programme
I defended my HDR on january 2022. Title: Scalability and quality of big data management applied to various use cases.
I am involved in the following projects: Senagro Data Scikit CNRS project, LakeMap LIP6 internal project, ANR EPIQUE, …
List of publications (CV on HAL)
See also DBLP.
I'm part of the BDA 2021 program committee, EDBT 2020 Demonstration track program committee, and the BDA 2020 organization committee.
See our paper at BigGraphs2019 in conjunction with IEEE BigData. Our EGC 2018 paper about a hierarchical geographical factorization model for POI recommendation is nominated (with 4 other papers) for the best applied research paper.
Currently, I am co-advising the following PhD candidates:
Projet proposals for M1 students (PLDAC): 2023 - Temporal Top2vec: dynamic clustering of scientific documents PLDAC 2018 Epique, PLDAC 2018 Sparql. M2 students may look at internships and PhD proposals.
Previously, I advised :
I was co-chair of the ASONAM PhD Forum and Posters Track 2015.
I mainly teach courses about databases, in french:
Since September 2019, I am co-responsible of the DAC curriculum of the computer science master's degree.
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