The PageList library allows to list a number of pagenames, optionally as table with various columns.

This library relieves some work for these plugins:

It also allows dynamic expansion of those plugins to include more columns in their output.


Plugin 'MediawikiTable' does not exist.

Info arguments

Column 'info=' arguments:

pagename Page Name (string regex)
mtime Last Modified
hits Hits
summary Last Summary
version Version
author Last Author
locked Locked
external External
minor Minor Edit
markup Markup
size Size
creator Creator
owner Owner
checkbox Selectable checkbox at the left
content Page content
perm Permission Mask
acl ACL

Special, custom columns, either theme or plugin (WikiAdmin*) specific:

remove Remove
renamed_pagename Rename to
ratingwidget wikilens theme specific.
custom See plugin/_WikiTranslation?

Symbolic 'info=' arguments:

all All columns except the special columns
most pagename, mtime, author, size, hits, ...
some pagename, mtime, author


PHP Warning

Warning: "include_once(lib/plugin/MediawikiTable.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory"