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site:recherche:logiciels:sparqlwithspark [13/09/2016 18:32]
site:recherche:logiciels:sparqlwithspark [17/11/2023 18:39] (Version actuelle)
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 ====== SPARQL query processing with Apache Spark ====== ====== SPARQL query processing with Apache Spark ======
-Go to  [[en:​site:​recherche:​logiciels:​sparqlwithspark| SPARQL Query Processing ​with Apache Spark]] (in english)+This wiki is a companion ​to the following publications:​ 
 +  * [[https://​​hal-01502519|SPARQL Graph Pattern Processing with Apache Spark]] 
 +  * [[https://​​abs/​1604.08903|SPARQL query processing with Apache Spark]] 
 +  * [[https://​​hal-01214900|HAQWA:​ a Hash-based and Query Workload Aware Distributed RDF Store]] 
 +  * [[https://​​hal-01214902|On the Evaluation of RDF Distribution Algorithms Implemented over Apache Spark]] 
 +It provides access to the resources related to the evaluation section of [[https://​​abs/​1604.08903|SPARQL query processing with Apache Spark]]. 
 +See also [[en:​site:​recherche:​logiciels:​rdfdist]] concerning RDF distribution approaches using Spark.  
 +===== Data sets ===== 
 +  * DrugBank 
 +  * DBPedia 
 +  * LUBM: LU100M, LU1B 
 +  * WatDiv: see [[en:​site:​recherche:​logiciels:​sparqlwithspark:​datasetWatdiv]] 
 +===== Query processing ===== 
 +==== WatDiv queries ==== 
 +=== Query S1 === 
 +<code sparql>​ 
 +SELECT ?v0 ?v1 ?v3 ?v4 ?v5 ?v6 ?v7 ?v8 ?v9 WHERE { 
 +?v0 gr:includes ?v1 . %v2% gr:offers ?v0 . 
 +?v0 gr:price ?v3 . ?v0 gr:​serialNumber ?v4 . 
 +?v0 gr:​validFrom ?v5 . ?v0 gr:​validThrough ?v6 . 
 +?v0 sorg:​eligibleQuantity ?v7 . 
 +?v0 sorg:​eligibleRegion ?v8 . 
 +?v0 sorg:​priceValidUntil ?v9 . } 
 +See [[en:​site:​recherche:​logiciels:​sparqlwithspark:​watDivS1]] 
 +=== Query F5 === 
 +<code sparql>​ 
 +SELECT ?v0 ?v1 ?v3 ?v4 ?v5 ?v6 WHERE { 
 +?v0 gr:includes ?v1 . %v2% gr:offers ?v0 . 
 +?v0 gr:price ?v3 . ?v0 gr:​validThrough ?v4 . 
 +?v1 og:title ?v5 . ?v1 rdf:type ?v6 . } 
 +See [[en:​site:​recherche:​logiciels:​sparqlwithspark:​watDivF5]] 
 +== Execution reports for F5 == 
 +^Plan  ^  Execution report ​ ^ 
 +|SPARQL ​DF  |  {{:​en:​site:​recherche:​logiciels:​f5_plan_sparql_df.png?​300|SPARQL DF}}  | 
 +|SPARQL Hybrid| ​ {{:​en:​site:​recherche:​logiciels:​f5_plan_sparql_hybrid.png?​300|SPARQL Hybrid}} ​ | 
 +|S2RDF ​       |  {{:​en:​site:​recherche:​logiciels:​f5_plan_s2rdf.png?​300|S2RDF}} ​ | 
 +|S2RDF+Hybrid ​       |  {{:​en:​site:​recherche:​logiciels:​f5_plan_s2rdf_hybrid.png?​300|S2RDF+Hybrid}} ​ | 
 +=== Query C3 === 
 +<code sparql>​ 
 +?v0 wsdbm:likes ?v1 . ?v0 wsdbm:​friendOf ?v2 . 
 +?v0 dc:Location ?v3 . ?v0 foaf:age ?v4 . 
 +?v0 wsdbm:​gender ?v5 . ?v0 foaf:​givenName ?v6 . } 
 +See [[en:​site:​recherche:​logiciels:​sparqlwithspark:​watDivC3]] 
 +==== Star queries ==== 
 +Star queries over the DrugBank dataset 
 +Star with 3 branches 
 +<code sparql>​ 
 +SELECT ?x ?a ?b 
 +WHERE { 
 + ?x <​http://​​foaf/​0.1/​page>​ <​http://​​page/​Ibuprofen>​. 
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​chebiId>​ ?a . 
 + ?​x ​ <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​casRegistryNumber>​ ?b.} 
 +Star with 5 branches 
 +<code sparql>​ 
 +SELECT ?x ?a ?b ?c ?d 
 +WHERE { 
 + ?x <​http://​​foaf/​0.1/​page>​ <​http://​​page/​Ibuprofen>​. 
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​chebiId>​ ?a . 
 + ?​x ​ <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​casRegistryNumber>​ ?b .  
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​keggDrugId>​ ?c . 
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​keggCompoundId>​ ?d . 
 +Star with 10 branches 
 +<code sparql>​ 
 +SELECT ?x ?a ?b ?c ?d ?g ?h ?i 
 +WHERE { 
 + ?x <​http://​​foaf/​0.1/​page>​ <​http://​​page/​Ibuprofen>​. 
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​chebiId>​ ?a . 
 + ?​x ​ <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​casRegistryNumber>​ ?b .  
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​keggDrugId>​ ?c . 
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​keggCompoundId>​ ?d . 
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​pharmacology>​ ?e. 
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​mechanismOfAction>​ ?f 
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​predictedLogs>​ ?g . 
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​halfLife>​ ?h . 
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​dpdDrugIdNumber>​ ?i . 
 +Star with 15 branches 
 +<code sparql>​ 
 +SELECT ?x ?a ?b ?c ?d ?g ?h ?i ?j ?k ?l 
 +WHERE { 
 + ?x <​http://​​foaf/​0.1/​page>​ <​http://​​page/​Ibuprofen>​. 
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​chebiId>​ ?a . 
 + ?​x ​ <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​casRegistryNumber>​ ?b .  
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​keggDrugId>​ ?c . 
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​keggCompoundId>​ ?d . 
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​pharmacology>​ ?e. 
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​mechanismOfAction>​ ?f 
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​predictedLogs>​ ?g . 
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​halfLife>​ ?h . 
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​dpdDrugIdNumber>​ ?i . 
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​contraindicationInsert>​ ?j . 
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​interactionInsert>​ ?k . 
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​structure>​ ?l. 
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​state>​ ?m . 
 + ?x <​http://​​drugbank/​resource/​drugbank/​rxlistLink>​ <​http://​​cgi/​generic/​ibup.htm>​ .} 
 +See [[en:​site:​recherche:​logiciels:​sparqlwithspark:​star]] 
 +==== Chain queries ==== 
 +Chain queries over DBPedia data set. 
 +=== Chain4 query === 
 +Chain4 is  
 +<code sparql>​ 
 +SELECT ?x1, ?x2, ?x3, ?x4, ?x5  WHERE { ?x1 P1 ?x2 . ?x2 P2 ?x3 . ?x3 P3 ?x4 . ?x4 P4 ?x5 } 
 +with properties 
 +<code scala> 
 +val P1 = 1389363200 
 +val P2 = 52239 
 +val P3 = 1164541952 
 +val P4 = 1164156928 
 +See [[en:​site:​recherche:​logiciels:​sparqlwithspark:​chain4| Chain4 query plans]] 
 +=== Chain6 query === 
 +<code sparql>​ 
 +SELECT ?x1, ?x2, ?x3, ?x4, ?x5, ?x6, ?x7   WHERE { ?x1 P1 ?x2 . ?x2 P2 ?x3 . ?x3 P3 ?x4 . ?x4 P4 ?x5 . ?x5 P5 ?x6 . ?x6 P6 ?x7 } 
 +with properties 
 +<code scala> 
 +val P1 = 18843 
 +val P2 = 5540 
 +val P3 = 1179222016 
 +val P4 = 1446076416 
 +val P5 = 1446244352 
 +val P6 = 36363 
 +See [[en:​site:​recherche:​logiciels:​sparqlwithspark:​chain6| Chain6 query plans]] 
 +==== Snowflake queries ==== 
 +SPARQL for Q8 from LUBM test suite 
 +<code sparql>​ 
 +PREFIX rdf: <​http://​​1999/​02/​22-rdf-syntax-ns#>​ 
 +PREFIX ub: <​http://​​~zhp2/​2004/​0401/​univ-bench.owl#>​ 
 +SELECT ?X, ?Y, ?Z 
 +{?X rdf:type ub:Student . 
 +  ?Y rdf:type ub:​Department . 
 +  ?X ub:memberOf ?Y . 
 +  ?Y ub:​subOrganizationOf <​http://​>​ . 
 +  ?X ub:​emailAddress ?Z} 
 +See [[en:​site:​recherche:​logiciels:​sparqlwithspark:​snowflakeQ8]]  
 +===== Misc ===== 
 + ​[[en:​site:​recherche:​logiciels:​sparqlwithspark:​utility| Utility tools]] 
site/recherche/logiciels/sparqlwithspark.1473784343.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 13/09/2016 18:32 par hubert