Table des matières



Dan Vodislav is Assistant Professor at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) in Paris, member of the Vertigo database team of the CEDRIC laboratory, team that is member of the Wisdom PPF. He graduated from the Bucharest Polytechnic Institute (engineer degree, 1990), University Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (MS in computer science, 1993) and CNAM (PhD, 1997). His research topics concern XML data integration on the web and P2P architectures for content distribution. He participated to the Xyleme project at INRIA and was part-time in Xyleme SA. He participated to the ACI SemWeb and to the EDOS European project. He is also external adviser in the Gemo group at INRIA Futurs.

Michel Scholl : Graduated from ENST, Paris (1966) , PhD, UCLA (1977) and Docteur d’état in computer science (INPG, Grenoble, 1985), Michel Scholl spent more than 25 years at INRIA, Rocquencourt. Since 1989 he has been a full professor in computer science at CNAM, Paris where he heads the Vertigo database research group of the Cedric lab and the Wisdom ppf. His current research interests include content based image retrieval and integration and search of heterogeneous structured documents with Web applications. He has been prime contractor for more than 15 french and european research projects and supervised about 15 PhD theses. He is VP of the ANR scientific committee (programme blanc and jeunes chercheurs) and expert for the French ministery of research. He co-authored two books and about 90 research papers. He has been a member of the program committee of major database conferences (ACM SIGMOD et VLDB and ICDE) and received a test of time award of ACM SIGMOD in 2004.

Cédric du Mouza is Assistant Professor in the database and information system group (ISID) of the Cedric lab of the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) in Paris and associate researcher of the Wisdom federation. He graduated from Institut d'Informatique d'Entreprise (IIE, engineering diploma, 1999), University Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris VI and University of Manchester (2 MS in computer science in 1999 and 2000) and CNAM (PhD, 2005). His research work in both the ISID group and in the Wisdom federation mainly focuses on the representation, indexing and querying of spatial and spatio-temporal data. He also worked on the interrogation of temporal sequences.

Nicolas Travers is Assistant Professor in the Vertigo database team of the CEDRIC laboratory of the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) in Paris. He is member of the Wisdom PPF. He graduated from University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines (UVSQ, Master Research diploma, 2003 - PhD, 2006). His research topics concern XML data interrogation and optimization on the web. He participated to different projects : SemWeb (ACI), WebContent (RNTL), PADAWAN (ANR). He developped the XLive software, an XML mediator for heterogeneous data sources.


Bernd Amann obtained a PhD degree in Computer Science from the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), Paris in 1994. He then was Assistant Professor at the Vertigo team, Cedric-CNAM, Paris and scientific collaborator at INRIA (Gemo group). Since 2004 he is Professor at the University Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris 6 and a member of the LIP6 laboratory's database research group and the Wisdom consortium. His current research activities concern data-centric web services and distributed data management. He is currently involved in the development of the WebContent platform and participates in the SemWeb research project (ACI MD).

Stéphane Gançarski is Assistant Professor at University P&M Curie Paris 6. He is member of the Database group of the LIP6 lab (member of Wisdom federation). He obtained PhD from University Paris 11 (Orsay) in 1994 and “Habilitation a diriger les recherches” from University P&M Curie Paris 6 in 2006. His research mainly concerns consistency and performances in distributed databases (transaction processing, freshness control and replication, XML data management, P2P query routing). He chairs the Respire ARA-MD ANR project (2005-2008) and participated in Leganet (RNTL), Padoue (ACI GRID) and SemWeb (ACI MD).

Cécile Le Pape is Assistant Professor at University Pierre &Marie Curie Paris 6. She obtained a PhD degree in Computer Sciences from University P&M Curie Paris 6 in 2005. She is now member of the LIP6 Database group and the Wisdom federation. Her research mainly concerns freshness control for replicated relational data or XML documents in databases clusters or P2P systems. She is currently involved in the Respire ARA-MD project (2005-2008) and participated in the Leganet RNTL project.

Anne Doucet is full professor at Paris 6 University since 1994, member of the LIP6 (Laboratoire d’informatique de Paris 6), and deputy director of LIP6 since 2005. She manages the Database team. Her works mainly concern the querying of heterogeneous and distributed data in peer-to-peer systems. She studied different ways of organizing the P2P network into logical clustering of pairs sharing similar interests.

Hubert Naacke is Assistant Professor at University Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6. He is member of the Database group of the LIP6 laboratory (part of Wisdom federation). He obtained his PhD from the University of Versailles in 1999. His research mainly concerns cost-based distributed query and tansaction optimization over database clusters and P2P networks. He is involved in the following projects: Respire ANR ARA-MD (2006-2008), Leganet RNTL (2003-2005) and SemWeb ACI MD (2005-2007).


Jacques Le Maitre is Professor at l'université du Sud Toulon-Var, he is member of the INCOD team (“Information et Connaissances Distribuées”) of the Information and System Sciences Laboratory (LSIS, UMR 6168). These last years, his research mainly concerns the manipulation of XML data and information retrieval in structured documents. He coordinates an ACI project called SemWeb (ANR MDCA 2004-2007) in which he works on multistructured XML data, he is also a partner of the AVEIR project (ANR MDCA 2006-2009).

Elisabeth Murisasco is assistant professor (HDR) at l'université du Sud Toulon-Var, member of the LSIS laboratory (Information and System Sciences Laboratory - UMR CNRS 6168 - Its reseach topic concerns XML data bases. She is interesting in the representation and the manipulation (models and query langages) of complex XML data (multistructured XML data and temporal data). He participated in MUSE (RNTL 2000 2002) and Semweb (ACI MDCA 2004-2007).

Emmanuel Bruno is assistant professor at l'université du Sud Toulon-Var, he is a teacher at the department of computer science, he is member of the LSIS laboratory (Information and System Sciences Laboratory - UMR CNRS 6168 - Its research topic concerns databases and more particularly XML databases. He is interested in document models, query language definition, and security in document content access. He participated in MUSE (RNTL 2000-2002) and Semweb (ACI MDCA 2004-2007).


Patrick Ferran (CEO): Before founding 2or3things, Patrick was VP Europe at Xyleme, a French/US company developing a native XML database. He helped found the company in 2000 as a spin-off of INRIA. Prior to Xyleme, he served as a manager, CRM and BPM, at Andersen Consulting (now Accenture). Before Andersen, Patrick held various positions at Sextant Avionique (Thalès Group). He started as a project engineer, was appointed technical leader on a US/French project for Boeing, and then moved to a sales and services management role. Immediately after graduating Patrick spent more than a year at GE R&D labs in Schenectady, NY. Patrick got in 1987 a master’s degree in engineering from the Free University of Brussels and an MBA from Sciences Po in Paris in 1996.

Ramon Guiu (CTO): Before 2or3things, Ramon was a senior R&D Engineer at Xyleme, which he joined in 2003. He graduated with a Masters degree from Télécom Paris and with an Engineer degree from the Polytechnic University of Catalunya (UPC). Ramon is fluent on several software and telecommunications technologies with a focus on open source, open standards and Internet protocols.


Georges Gardarin is professor at the University of Versailles St-Quentin. He is the head of the team “Système de Bases de Données (SBD)“ of thePRiSM Laboratory. These last years, his scientific work is particularly related to the mediation of XML data onP2P networks, indexing methods, etc. Georges Gardarin has written more than 120 papers in international journal and conferences, and several books in French, some of them being translated in English and Spanish. He has participated or coordinated in many national or European projects.

Laurent Yeh is an assistant professor at the University of Versailles St-Quentin. He obtained his Ph.D. in 1996 from the University of Paris VI He is integrated in the SBD team of the PRiSM Laboratory. These last years, his research is more particularly related to the indexation of complex data as XML document on a structured P2P network. He works also on XML query processing for mediation. He has participated in several national projects and one European project.

Dr. Benjamin Nguyen acquired his Ph.D. in 2003 from the University of Paris XI, directed by Serge Abiteboul, entitled “Construction and Maintenance of an XML Web Warehouse”. Since September 2004, as an assistant professor, he has been conducting his research within the Database Group of the PRiSM Laboratory of University of Versailles. His current interests reside in peer-to-peer oriented XML computing, semantic web B2B oriented applications, and the development of a social sciences web warehousing platform.