Table of Contents

LIP6 Database Research Team

The LIP6 Database team is part of the DAPA department at LIP6. The team has a long research experience in large scale data processing. Its research covers a variety of problems in distributed query processing, query optimisation and information retrieval for data-centric web applications. The main contributions of the last years concern query optimisation in publish-subscribe systems, data acquisition and indexing for web archives, distributed transaction processing and social web filtering and recommendation and information retrieval.


Publications since 2016

Publications since 2018


CNRS editions


Amann Bernd Full Professor Sorbonne Université 25-26/506 01 44 27 70 09
avatar_hufa2c8aa5cbb6168856e8faa9077b8a59_687730_250x250_fill_q90_lanczos_center.jpg Angarita Rafael Associate Professor Nanterre University 25-26/505
amine.jpg Baazizi Amine Associate Professor Sorbonne Université 25-26/505 01 44 27 88 75
Constantin Camélia Associate Professor Sorbonne Université 25-26/509 01 44 27 87 42
stephane.jpg Gançarski Stéphane Associate Professor Sorbonne Université 25-26/511 01 44 27 87 95
hubert.jpg Naacke Hubert Associate Professor Sorbonne Université 25-26/507 01 44 27 87 61
Jarrad Sara Doctorante Sorbonne Université 25-26/518
Bai Yuhe Doctorante Sorbonne Université 25-26/518
Aknouche Anis Doctorant Sorbonne Université / Zeenea 25-26/512
Boutaleb Allaa Doctorant Sorbonne Université 25-26/512

Research projects

RSS feeds

Wiki CFP Databases
Cap Digital